Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Fringe.. Oh fringe.

I am an idiot.

I learn nothing from experience and have once again cut my fringe far too short.

A trashy chick lit novel I re-read on occasion bears the immortal line "Never mess with your hair when you're emotional". It's right.

In a fit of idiocity I decided it'd be a really good idea to try and cut in a widow's peak fringe. It's something I've been mulling over for yonks and yonks, today was the day. I snipped for a while, it looked pretty good, I just needed to make a better point. That, was my undoing.

I gave up and attempted to fix it by cutting it straight across.

So, I'm celebrating my new 'look' by trying out some make up with attitude.

Now to stay inside until it grows back...


What was your biggest hair disaster? I'm sure someone out there can beat this.

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